Sunday, December 29, 2013

Barr Street to Joshua Creek

                          HIKE A MILE IN MY SHOES ...
Okay well it seems like its been forever since we have done a hike. So when we decided to do a 3 night 4 day hike the day after Christmas I was excited. However it quickly became a bit stressful as time got closer. We had so much going on with our kids moving back home and Thanksgiving coming quickly and then it was time to start planning for Christmas and then Christmas was right around the corner. We got all Christmas shopping finished and Christmas dinner planned. Now we just needed to get to planning the hike and get threw Christmas and get on our way with the hike. 
 Shawn was having a hard time with planning where we were going to go on this hike as it is hunting season in Fl. Therefore you aren't allowed to just camp anywhere. So after going to Kens and talking to him about it they decided that Ken ( and James ) would find a place. Long story short Ken and James decided on a place and we were good to go.
 Shawn and I still had a bit of shopping to do for this hike. I was planning to dehydrate the majority of our food but with everything going on in our home I didn't get a chance to get much of anything done on the dehydrating part. So we ended up buying the meals for this trip. Less work for me but MUCH MUCH more expensive. But its fine we do what we have to do.
 Christmas came and was slipping by quickly and Shawn and I still had to get our bags packed. We didn't get a chance to get started till about 10:00pm Christmas night. We get the majority of our stuff packed and head to bed sometime around midnight ( i think ). 
 We get up the next morning and get the rest of our stuff packed, get it loaded into the truck. And head over to dad's where we are meeting up with Ken and James. We stop at the store and grab some coffee and something to eat for breakfast ( i know not very healthy lol ). We get to dad's around 9:30am and wait for Ken and James. They are running a little late but its no big deal. Last time it was Shawn and I that were running late. LOL Very rarely do we all make it to our meeting spot at the same time. But nobody complains as we all do this for fun... a time to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle or all of our stressful lives.
 Okay now we are on the road. dad takes us to Chuliota National Forest to drop our 3rd and 4th days water off. There is no way we could carry that extra 9 gallons of water. The we head to our starting point. 
 We get there and Dad take our group picture. ( not before he took a few group pictures with his in in the way LOL he's so funny ). We say our thank you's to dad bringing us out there and we head out.
 We start out at The Little Big Econ. There is always a lot of people in the area hiking and camping. mainly young adults ( gosh when did we become the " old " adults lol ) out there drinking and partying and being loud and obnoxious.
 We are moving along and it started .... the pain .... in my feet.... oh no not again is all I can think. ( before the hike i opted to just get new insoles for my shoes instead of buying new shoes. That way we had that much more money to spend on out (almost) 2 year old Grandson. ) My feet feel strange in my shoes due to these insoles. Okay it just feels different and i'm just not used to it... I'll get used  the more we walk... that's what I'm telling myself. I don't want to start complaining about my feet yet ... we just started walking. "Just give it some time Debi, give your feel time to adjust and get used to it, its gonna be fine..." is what I keep telling myself. 
 We keep walking. Ken and James take the lead and poor Shawn is lagging back with me. I knew this would change soon as James was having feet problems ( not his shoes , his feet ). So I knew in time Shawn and Ken would take the lead and James and I would be bringing up the rear LOL. 
 As Shawn and I are walking my feel start to bother me pretty bad. We get to the Flaggler Road Bridge and I have to put Mole Skin on the back of my feet. Because the insoles are so thick my shoes are rubbing places on my feet that aren't used it and blisters are going to start becoming an issue if i dont do something quickly. I get my feet " taken care of " and we are on the move again.
 Once we cross over Flaggler Road Bridge all of the foot traffic pretty much stopped. You dont see many people out here. Shawn, James and I have done this hike before a long time ago so we knew this already.
 As we are walking we came upon 4 bikes... hmmmmm but no bike riders. That was kinda strange. But honestly when walking the trail you tend to see some strange things ( and people ). Shawn and I are lagging behind at this point because my feel are not being kind and my hips are starting to hurt me some ( gosh I am so out of shape. (Note to self : prepare physically for the next hike LOL ). As we are walking along I can hear two female voices and for some reason I automatically think James found his Swedish  Bikini Team ( or at least 2 of them ) and it makes me giggle. Then we see them. Its two young girls and two young guys ( oh well sorry James ). My guess is they belonged to the bikes we passed earlier.
 We move along ... I love this part of this area. There are so many wild ferns all over the place. I am not a fern lover by any means but they are always so bright green and its always so pretty to look at.
 At some point in time we have to stop again so I can tend to me stupid feet. By this time I know they are gonna be that constant thorn in my side again. Uggghhhhh there is nothing worse than feet issues out here ( or so I thought ... continue reading to find out what I'm talking about )
  We move along and after a bit of time we start looking for our " home " for the night. We find a spot that looks pretty good with just a little bit of work that needed to be done to make it hammock worth lol.
 Shawn starts clearing out the spots for our hammocks as do Ken and James. While I start the coffee. Well......... lol I made coffee alright. I made quadruple espresso. LOL I had never used this kind of instant coffee before so I just decided to wing lol. MISTAKE Shawn nor I either one could drink that stuff. LOL Lesson learned measure by the spoonfuls until it taste like you want it to. Shawn figured it out while I got my hammock hung.
 We decided to follow Kens lead and not put on our rain flies as it doesnt appear that we are gonna get any rain tonight.
 Now its time for dinner. I get water boiling for all of out dinners. Shawn and Ken are eating Chili Mac with a spicy sauce ( we didnt know when we got them that they were spicy ) I had chicken and rice ( prepackaged ) and James had chicken and rice that he made at home and hot dogs that he cooked on a palm fron stick over the fire. 
 We sat around and talked for a while. Great conversation like always with the guys. 
Shawn and I decide that before we go to bed that we are in fact going to put our rain flies up just in case. Its supposed to rain on our whole hike and i really didnt want to wake up in the middle of the night getting rained on. and if I didnt rain I was thinking the dew might be an issue and honestly I didnt want to wake up wet from either.
 We get the rain flies put up and Shawn and I head off to bed. Im exhausted from having to be up so late on Christmas night packing and then not sleeping that night then the walk itself and my back and hips sore and my feet are throbbing. I just want to completely get off of my feet and try to relax my hips and my back. 
 Sadly again this ended up being yet another sleepless night for me. But I chalked it up to just being so over tired ( although I can never seem to sleep when we are on these hikes ). I hear Shawn rustling around and decide to get up. We get the fire started in hopes that it would make the tiny blood suckers to leave me alone. And I get the stove out and water boiling for coffee and breakfast.
 We all linger for a while as we are really in no huge hurry to get going. We only had 5  - 6 miles to go to get to our next stop. 
 We finish breakfast and start getting camp broke down and cleaned up and I do my best to comfort my feet with a ton of band aids on them and hope that will work till we get to our next camp site. 
 And we are off ... as I said earlier Shawn and Ken took the lead and James and I brought up the rear. We had as good of a time as we could seeing as how we are both hurting with feet issues. We walk and talk and laugh and carried on. No matter whats going on one can always count on a good laugh and a good time with James on these hikes. There we several time that James and I lost sight of Shawn and Ken and then there were a few times that we couldnt even hear them. But when the realized that they were that far ahead of us the took a break and waited for us. LOL
 We get to an area that had 2 picnic tables under a huge oak tree and thats where we decided to eat lunch. The break was much needed for James and I and our feet.
 At some point in time Shawn went to get me a wild orange and while he was doing that he tripped and caught himself on a tree that was full of huge carpenter type thorns and a thorn jammed into the palm of his hand :-( . I always worry when one of us end up with open sores out there... thank God for alcohol wipes and antibiotic cream and band aids.
 We move on because the sky is starting to look like rain and we still have a ways to go before we hit our water drop area and we had to have that. 
 We had to walk a part of the FT that we typically skip because none of us wanted to walk it... the paved sections. We had to walk a road that seemed to be never ending.
 At first my feet seem to fare better on the road. I guess because it was an even surface, I dunno. LOL I didnt care why I was just happy that werent bothering me so bad. But that was short lived they seriously started hurting me ... 
 Shawn had fallen back with James and I and Ken pushed forward to Chuliota Wilderness Area where our water was. After walking a little bit more I couldnt take it anymore. I had to stop and put my flip flops on. 
 I get my flops on and we push forward. Finally making it to the water spot. Now we have to decide where we are gonna camp because the sign clearly said  NO OVERNIGHT CAMPING ... good thing we all became illiterate all of a sudden because we found a good spot to make it home for the night ;-).
 We opted for the fire break again as there is always a place in the sand to build a small fire and there is always plenty of fire wood. Shawn, James and I find spots for our hammocks and Ken ended up way out on the " south 40 " as there wasn't  a safe place for him to hang his hammock due to all the widow makers. Being the " mother hen " of the group I dont like for anyone to be so far away. That bothered me a bit. But he seemed okay with it so I didnt  say anything.
 We all got our hammocks hung and this time we all put up our rain flies because it was already starting to sprinkle a little here and there.
  We get a small fire going and then  I get the coffee and stove and pot and cups out so i can start the coffee. The coffee was much needed right now .
 We all get settled around the fire and I get water boiling for everyone's dinner again. James gets his palm fron for his hot dogs. Shawn and I are eating spaghetti and Ken has decided on chicken and rice and James is eating his chicken and rice.
 Okay everyone is fed and we sit around the fire for a while talking and I have to go lay down. I am now more than exhausted and aching and throbbing. Its just time to call it a night.
 I climb in my hammock and get comfortable and low and behold im wide awake. Nope im not getting up maybe I just need to give my brain time to quiet down. Surely Im gonna fall to sleep soon... Im exhausted !!!!!
 Well I doze off and on for a while. Its raining now but not too bad. I feel a few cold areas and think I have just twisted my sleeping mat and the wind is what Im feeling. UGGGHHHHHH its raining and I have to pee now. SHEESH I get up and fix my hammock because it has settled and is hitting the ground. I get it tighten up pretty quick and I run over and pee and get back into my sleeping bag. Im cold now because I got wet. I lay down and brrrrrrrrr im getting a lot of cold spots. I really must have shifted my sleeping mat a lot when I got out of the hammock and then back in. Oh well Im just gonna have to deal with it. Im cold and wet and tired I just want to go to sleep.
 Then I head Shawn moving around. I asked him if he was okay and he said yea he had to pee and then realized that his rain fly wasnt keeping the rain off of him and he was wet. I said oh no !!!! Then I thought hmmmmmm maybe my sleeping mat isnt the problem. Maybe my rain fly is the problem. I reach back and feel my sleeping bag and yep its soaked. UGHHHH Great now what ???
 James had to get up and adjust his rain fly as he was getting dripped on and he came over to see if he could help Shawn and I. He done some readjusting on my rain fly and tried to help Shawn but my that time we were both soaked already.
 After a short while I knew I wasnt going to get any sleep but I was hoping that Shawn would be able to so I laid in my hammock as quiet as I could hoping he was falling back to sleep. Then he started talking to me and I got up and sat with him for the remainder of the night. He dropped his hammock to the ground about 2:30 - 3:00 am and we sat there on my sleeping mat talking and drinking coffee and trying to decide what we needed to do seeing as all of our sleeping stuff was soaked and if the rain continued they wouldnt dry out for the next days camp site. 
 Shawn and I decided that we were going to call it and have someone come get us. I was beyond miserable and was over this trip. LOL
 About 5:00ish Shawn and I laid down on my mat and his hammock and I instantly fall right to sleep. Even with the tiny blood sucker trying to attack me. It was a short nap tho. As soon as Shawn got up and moved away from me I was awake again.
 James and Ken woke up shortly afterwards and we broke the news to them that we were calling it. I felt awful but I just couldnt deal with my feet and the lack of the sleep and the fact that we couldnt even manage to stay dry while trying to sleep. I just couldnt handle it. I needed to go home. Shawn told them that they could stay and that we would come and pick them up on Sunday. We didnt want to ruin their hike.
 James said he would go or stay. It didnt matter to him. It was up to Ken. I could see the ...what I interpret as disappointment ... on Kens face. That made me feel even worse. But this time I needed to think about me and do what was right for me. And I felt that I made the right choice. I was defeated and exhaustion completely took over that night. I knew I couldnt endure any more...
 Ken and James decided that they too would head home. :-(
I called dad. But got his voice mail. Not wanting to wake him I decided that Id wait a bit longer and call again. But he called me back within a few minutes. Our conversation went like this
  WE HUNG UP.... 

We all had breakfast and broke camp down and cleaned up the area. And headed back to the spot where we would meet up with Dad. After a short walk we were there waiting. About 10 minutes Dad showed up. We get all of our stuff put in the truck and load up and head home.... End of our hike....
 Now all that said ... All the hikes that we have done we have never had a hike with any significant amount of rain. So I was looking forward to something new and I wanted to see how well the rain flies worked. To my surprise they didnt work well at all. But its fine. We had to go threw this to see. Just like the cold times it took us going threw those cold nights to figure out how to stay warm , we had to go threw this to see that our rain flies just wont work. Also I think we figured out why I dont sleep while out there. I know that Shawn sleeps heavy and doesnt hear things so in my mind I have to be able to hear those things to " protect " us. And we figured out that out there just like at home I cant sleep without Shawn. Because as soon as I laid down next to him that wet rainy night on the dry ground I went right to sleep... so it looks like we are going to try a two man tent with thin air mattresses and see if I can sleep that way. And to see if Shawn can get better sleep because he will be able to sleep on his stomach. It was a learning trip that we had to go threw. Im just glad that we were able to call dad and that dad was able to come and get us. Had we done anywhere else we would have had to suffer the rest of the hike. And had we not had an easy way out I would have sucked it up and pushed forward. But Im sure glad dad loves me. LOL
 It wasnt a bad hike at all. I had a good time. I just learned a few things ( im always learning the hard way on these hikes LOL. #1 I HAVE to get new shoes. Thats a must.
#2. we need to try the tent idea. and if that doesnt work we need bigger and better rain flies.
 Thanks dad for taking us out there and rescuing  me ( us ) early.
Thanks Shawn for helping me get threw that long wet night.
Thanks James for getting up in the middle of the night in the rain to try to help make things better.
Thanks Ken for understanding why I needed to leave early.
 And most of all Thanks Guys again for a great fun hike and helping me learn to build a fire. Thanks for the laughs, the conversations, and the patients you all seem to have with me.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Joshua Creek to St. Nicholas Rd. ( Christmas in March )

Here we go again. Only this day seemed to start with a rush rush rush again. I was slow to get up and moving ... My mind said lets go but my body didn't agree so ....
 We got everything packed the night before so that was done and ready to go. We had to stop and get fuel for the stove and then we were on our way.
 As we are going along my wonderful husband hits the breaks hard and ends up in the middle section of the road ( you know the grassy area ) to keep from slamming the car in front of us because some morons cant drive around here. It scared me so bad all I could do was star and then the tears started.... and then I had to pee. I HATE HATE HATE to get that scared. And if I start to cry you know it scared me REALLY REALLY bad.  Thank goodness my husband has good reactions and is a brilliant driver !!!!
 Okay we get there .... time to get last minute things done so we can get started.... we meet Ken's friends Mike and his step son Gavin. We did our nice to meet you's and Mike goes back to getting his things ready and I finish up my few things. Then all of a sudden OUCH !!!! Dang fire ant bit my toe ( yes my toe , yes I still have my flops on .... yes I wait till the last minute to put my hiking shoes on ).... SMH ( shaking my head ).... this is gonna be a blast since its all starting out so wonderfully.  Running late almost crashed on the way here and then ants .... ugh ..... this is gonna be fun .... LOL
 Okay Mike is ready we pile up in the truck and off we go to our starting point.... We get there and backpack up and we start .... Im excited .... well for a minute. 
 As we are walking I thinking my gosh I must really be in rare form cause I seem to really be lagging this time. Shawn , Ken , Mike and Gavin are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ahead of me .... hmmmmmm okay well I felt like I was constantly playing catch up with them and I was really starting to get  tired and fast. Normally I lag behind but they are always within ear shot. But this time there was a few times they were so far ahead of me that I could no longer even hear them .... so what do I do ???? I keep walking my pace and get more and more annoyed.  Then I just said whatever .... as long as I follow the orange blazes I'll be fine ... so whatever .... No my mood wasn't too good at this point. Im tired and crabby and I just want to get to camp... you know that place we cant find !!!!
 Shawn , Ken and Mike all read the data book and none of them could figure out where we were. Thats a pretty crappy feeling ..... that feeling of being lost in the middle of the woods. Even though you know if you just follow the trail you will end up at the truck at some point its still a crappy feeling.
 After not finding the point that we should have been at they decide to make camp someplace that we werent supposed to be camping ( again ). I get my hammock hung up and then go down and get coffee started. ( and as I open the bladder with the water in it for coffee it spills all over me .... uuuuggghhhhhhhhhhhhh now im soaked . then a while later while eating dinner I open my Dr Pepper and it spews all over me .... sheeesh you have got to be kidding me .... now im soaked and im sticky REALLY ???? SMH again )
 We sat around Gavin's fire and talked and drank coffee and then ate dinner and then I decided to head off to bed. Im still really annoyed and hurting pretty bad and im just tired. As Im laying there I hear an owl hooting. Neat sound. Then all of a sudden I hear this most GOD AWFUL NOISE come from the trees in response to the first neat sounding owl. This one freaked me out because I have no idea what it was or where it was. So I hollar ( in a panic voice ) to Shawn and ask him what that was he tried to explain ( while him and Ken got a good giggle from my panic ) that it was just an owl, an older owl and yea whatever...( so glad I can entertain them when I get freaked out by all these critters LOL ) Im not laying way over here by myself while this "Old owl with what sounds like a sore throat hoots " Out of the hammock I go and down to the fire where Shawn and Ken were ( Mike and Gavin had already gone to bed ). 
 I sit with them for a while and Shawn and I head off to the hammocks for the night. I get in and the air is a little cool and a bit damp but it was tolerable. 
 I wake up cause I have to pee and Im so excited cause its a tiny bit bright outside and I think Ive finally slept a full night while out on a hike... I get up go pee come back look at my phone and its 1:13am. How disappointing ... Ive only slept 4 hours .... the rest of the night is no different than any other night for me out there ....I lay there wide awake all night long just waiting for sunrise. Only this time I am freezing. It was my own fault this time tho. I had my sleeping mat and emergency blanket but I didnt use them because I figured the sleeping bag would be enough .... WRONG !!!!!!! ( Note to self ... dont be stupid .... )
 Well I cant lay there any longer so I get up and attempt to get this fire thing started .... no luck LOL Ken got up and had issues with it too but managed to get it going while I got coffee started because I knew Shawn would be up soon and that would be the first thing he'd asked for. LOL 
 And as I predicted Shawn woke up looking for coffee ;-) 
 We get food and coffee in us and start packing up and get the fire put out completely and get going again. And once again there they go .... I swear they thought they were running a race this time. I decided before we ever left camp that it was not an option for me to even attempt to keep up with them today. My hip was killing and it hurt to just walk much less run to keep up with them.
 I started out lead but figured Id step aside and let them carry on I dont like to be the one to hold them back so ... someone else took lead ( dont remember who ). And just to clarify Shawn did drop back a few times to walk with me and so did Mike .... so I wasnt always alone .... they are all pretty good about making sure I am okay ....
 After much confusion of where we are and where we are supposed to be we continue to move on and finally make it to the end. Thank God we made it cause I dont think I could have gone much more.
 Now all that said this wasnt a bad hike .... it was just a hike not good not bad just a hike. I missed James out there this time.... wish he could have gone with us. But enjoyed my time with my husband and Ken and enjoyed meeting Kens friends.
 This hike was very uneventful for me .... not many laughs and the only animals I saw were the birds. Saw a lot of hog ruts and armadillo ruts and cow poop but thank God no cows ( i hate cows ). 
 There were several bridge things and some strange steps to get across ( over ) the barbed wire. The scenery was beautiful out there. Much prettier than Ouchcala ( in my opinion ).
 reading over this it sounds so negative and I dont mean it too sound like that at all. I just think some hikes are better than others and this one wasnt one of my better ones. LOL
 And now Im gonna upload some pics and end with that. And add Shawn's link and Ken's link Just click their names :